Friday, February 25, 2011

The Scoop..... the Dog Poop!

It's everywhere you go!  Why is that? Are people that lazy in the winter or do they just not care...(consciously lacking consideration and responsibility for others)... or maybe falling on hard times has them cutting back on pickup baggies, sure why not blame this too... on the bad economy!

Well...Apparently...the city has been catching fewer dog poop rebellions, surprising,  as every other NYC ticket writing department has been raking in the revenue these days! Despite the increasing number of complaints,  the City has handed out half the amount of tickets as they have the year before.

Just a year after increasing the fine to $250 from $100 for dog owners who don’t pick up after their pets, (the city's ploy to deter the irresponsible from making the city sidewalks and park paths into dog poo landmines),  the Dept. of Sanitation issued only 580 fines, down from 903 the previous year. The deterrant plan isn't working! I actually think has gotten worse! People take the chance, because face it...what are the chances of a city official catching them in the act. There are only 24 officers assigned to the K-9 unit, which also monitors for dogs off the leash as well as other related violations. Despite the cut backs in City jobs there hasn’t been a reduction in manpower within this department since the fines went up. The K-9 officers, cruise the city by car, starting out their days with a list of the trouble spots, which supervisors put together from complaints from 311 or off the city’s Web site. In fact, complaints to 311 have gone up. In 2009, there were 4,443 calls about dog waste, a three-year high.

The bottom line is.... “Whoever picks up after their dog is going to, regardless of the fine.” They'll do it because they are conscientious people, who know how to co-exist, who are considerate and well aware that feces carries disease! They take that very seriously,  as they do the responsibility of being a dog owner! I myself have come across several slackers ... turning the other cheek,  I simply confronted them with a bag! I think more Peer pressure might help.... Maybe more signs... (even though I'm not a big fan),  they do help educate people, especially of the sanitary issues! Hopefully it will get better and people will Scoop their poop and we'll start seeing less along the stoop!

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