Friday, February 25, 2011

The Scoop..... the Dog Poop!

It's everywhere you go!  Why is that? Are people that lazy in the winter or do they just not care...(consciously lacking consideration and responsibility for others)... or maybe falling on hard times has them cutting back on pickup baggies, sure why not blame this too... on the bad economy!

Well...Apparently...the city has been catching fewer dog poop rebellions, surprising,  as every other NYC ticket writing department has been raking in the revenue these days! Despite the increasing number of complaints,  the City has handed out half the amount of tickets as they have the year before.

Just a year after increasing the fine to $250 from $100 for dog owners who don’t pick up after their pets, (the city's ploy to deter the irresponsible from making the city sidewalks and park paths into dog poo landmines),  the Dept. of Sanitation issued only 580 fines, down from 903 the previous year. The deterrant plan isn't working! I actually think has gotten worse! People take the chance, because face it...what are the chances of a city official catching them in the act. There are only 24 officers assigned to the K-9 unit, which also monitors for dogs off the leash as well as other related violations. Despite the cut backs in City jobs there hasn’t been a reduction in manpower within this department since the fines went up. The K-9 officers, cruise the city by car, starting out their days with a list of the trouble spots, which supervisors put together from complaints from 311 or off the city’s Web site. In fact, complaints to 311 have gone up. In 2009, there were 4,443 calls about dog waste, a three-year high.

The bottom line is.... “Whoever picks up after their dog is going to, regardless of the fine.” They'll do it because they are conscientious people, who know how to co-exist, who are considerate and well aware that feces carries disease! They take that very seriously,  as they do the responsibility of being a dog owner! I myself have come across several slackers ... turning the other cheek,  I simply confronted them with a bag! I think more Peer pressure might help.... Maybe more signs... (even though I'm not a big fan),  they do help educate people, especially of the sanitary issues! Hopefully it will get better and people will Scoop their poop and we'll start seeing less along the stoop!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Awesome iPhone Apps for Dog Lovers

Awesome iPhone Apps for Dog Lovers 
Is there really apps. for that? & If so... Are they any good? 
Well... Yes there Is!... Here are a few worth checking out!

H E Y   W A L K I E S!

For NYC Pet owners Only!  (expanding to include other cities in the near future, as well as being accessible beyond the iPhone). Hey Walkies! has made searching for runs a lot easier. Creator Chad Jackson produced Hey Walkies! as part of the city's BigApps challenge, along with his interactive design firm, Jackson Laycock, and design partner Kettle, they've built a user-friendly app w/ a great design! This is truly a fantastic app. You'll find the best dog parks all over the city, perfect for giving fido that new adventure they long for! Hop on the subway (make sure you have their carry bag to jump into, without one you will chance a fine) or just let your good buddy hail their own cab! (if only there was an app for that) ...Buses are hit or miss, depending on the driver!

O F F   L E A S H

off leash image Pet food maker Eukanuba’s “Off Leash” app  Off Leash
locates the five nearest dog parks to your location
and provides driving directions to get there. Walkies!

F I D O  F A C T O R

Which city restaurants allow dogs, which local groomers do the best work without taking your shirt? Fido Factor, the app that calls itself the "Yelp for dogs." Still in its infancy, featuring info about San Fran, Boston, New York and Portland is still growing and working out the kinks... a recent search for N.Y.C.'s dog-friendly restaurants yielded results on Boston's Newbury St. 

i P E T   F I N D E R

This one's for the real Animal lover who just couldn't wait for the in app form. Well... it's not cutting-edge, functionality isn't the sharpest and the design is dated!  iPet Finder  gives a sense of the number of pets available in your area. Search 300,000 pets from over 13,000 shelters and rescue groups. For the Socially conscious... Portions of the proceeds go to the Cesar and Ilusion Milan Foundation. $0.99 

C E S A R   S A Y S

Those that subscribe to Cesar “exercise, discipline, affection” Millan’s school of dog training can carry Cesar around in their pocket  Cesar Says
Sit..Stay..Roll Over! The Dog Whisperer app offers sound bites from the famous pack leader, while a tap or shake of the phone will generate Millan’s trademark “tsst!” warning noise. Gotta Love It! ..."tsst"!

D O G   P A R K   B Y  D O G S T E R . C O M 

This App...Think... Facebook for Fido. (the social networking site for dog owners) Dog Park by
Dogster – helps users meet other local dog owners and set up doggie play dates. It also covers the social side between humans with free messaging as well as the ability to send “virtual gifts” hmmm! You might even hook up!

P E T   D O S S I E R

This is a must have for any pet owner! Because... you just never know if you will run into an emergency situation! Face it ... Who carry's around their dog's vitals, who carry's their own vitals for that matter? Who can keep track of vet records and ID numbers? YepYup's Pet Dossier is a digital file cabinet of all your pets' records, even has a place for vet and other contact info. Seriously...this is worth it! $1.99 

D O G   F I R S T   A I D

If you are the precaucious type, always anticipating the possibility that something could go wrong and often does, than you'll want Dog First Aid Should you have a canine crisis, this app will help you with what to do until you can get proper veterinary help. Offering fast, clear advice for most common dog emergencies! Let's hope you never need to use it... but guess what... you'll be prepared! 

D O G   W H I S T L E R 

Best dog whistle iPhone app.  Stop yelling... for your fury friend! Try this app. as an alternative, REALLY! The Dog Whistler you might also call an iInstrument... adjusting the frequency and pitch of the whistle sound to call your dog. Recent tests didn't yield very positive results on an actual dog (however...that dog may have just been completely insubordinate), it's free so... what do you have to loose, except your voice! Free

P E T  M I N D E R

Does your dog need an assistant? Keeping track of fido's social life and schedule can require a part time handler or just amazing organizational skills!  Consider PetMinder  to schedule reminders for pets required meds, vaccinations, grooming, training sessions, play dates and more, with e-mail reminders available to keep you on track and your buddy moving and grooving. Free

 D O G - A - L O G

Dog Breed reference app for those of you who want to know the difference between a Boston and a Jack Russel Terrier or maybe a bearded and a border collie (“collie” which comes from the Scottish word for a sheep-herding dog). Use Dog-A-Log If your looking for the perfect dog to fit your lifestyle,  it will give you the info you need to help narrow your choices! This reference app, draws right from Wikipedia.  $0.99

P E T   S E R V I C E   F I N D E R

If your a first time dog owner, new to an area, or just looking for new service providers for your precious pet,  let Pet Services Finder  help you find everything you need, such as... pet stores, dog walkers, sitters, groomers, vets and even pet-friendly hotels! Search by zip code and see reviews posted by other users...I can still hear Mama say... Did you get a reference! 

 D O G I   D U T Y

A Must have app for every Dog Walker! DogiDuty  Key word Duty! Generating e-mail reports after each walk, or dog sitting session, letting owners know if their pal had a pee or poo, was fed and any other notes of interest. Invaluable app for those in the dog-walking/sitting BIZ and a great aide to busy dog owners trying to keep track of Fido’s “movements.” WoW...Now that's anal! $0.99

 D O G   T R I C K S   B E S T   1 0 1   

Dog training is one of those activities best done little and often! So... having Dog Tricks – Best of 101 Dog Tricks app on your phone with a log of training activity,  priceless... if you have a few spare minutes, you can follow the photo and video instruction, let fido practice, whether it be sitting, or circus-level dog skills like the hoop jump! You'll have a champion before you know it!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011


From now on ANY off-leash dog must have A NYC DOG LICENSE and an UP-TO-DATE RABIES VACCINATION.
If your dog is not licensed, register on line HERE.
For information on low-cost or free rabies vaccinations, ask your veterinarian or check the ASPCA website.

Animal Haven Pet Adoption

New York Dog Magazine

Microchip Your Dog-FAQ's

Dog Runs in NYC

Canine Good Citizen Testing

What to do if your dog is attacked and injured by another dog.


Sunday, February 13, 2011


Central Park PAWS, a program of the Central Park Conservancy, represents the many thousands of dog owners who enjoy the Park every day. The mission of Central Park PAWS is to foster and maintain a dialogue between dog owners and the Park. The group provides a forum to address issues relating to dogs, dog owners, and other park users and to increase awareness of the privileges and responsibilities of dog ownership in the Park.
Through its educational and recreational programs and events, Central Park PAWS aims to strengthen links between the dog community and the Park, in order to give dog owners an opportunity to support upkeep of the Park and to strengthen mutual appreciation of the relationship between the Park and the dog community.
Your free membership in PAWS brings you

E-mails on dog-related issues and events in the Park
A chance to make your voice heard as part of Central Park's dog community
Top Reasons To Join

You and your dog love Central Park!

Have your voice heard! We have strength in numbers.

Stay informed about projects, events, and Park news related to dogs!

Participate in exciting PAWS events such as

Support our Park!

If you lose your dog, PAWS network of thousands of dog owners allows us to get word out to the dog community fast. We can also quickly enlist the help of the Conservancy and Police Department!

Have fun volunteering for PAWS projects and events!

Because PAWS folks are cool and fun and besides, the hats are cute!

Your PAWS soul-mate could be somewhere in our database or at one of our events!
Join Today:
